Saturday, September 8, 2012

Egyptian Christians Scared About Muslim Brotherhood Takeover of Parliament

Egyptian Christians who were scared over the eventual takeover of the Parliament by the Muslim Brotherhood welcomed the recent decision by the Supreme Court to dissolve the Islamist-controlled parliament due to election irregularities.

Open Doors United Kingdom (UK) ( a Christian advocacy group stated this in a release adding that Christians welcome ruling to dissolve parliament but still face uncertain future.
Speaking on this recent development, Mr. Athanasious Williams, a Christian human rights lawyer in Egypt stated: "But now they feel that there might be a better chance for a secular government."

He said that about a third of the seats were reserved for ‘independents', but there was confusion because some seats were contested on a proportional representation basis and others using the ‘first past the post' system. “The Supreme Court ruled that the elections were invalid and the lower house of parliament will now be dissolved.”

According to him,along with the decision to strike the parliament, the court also ruled to allow Ahmed Shafiq, the final prime minister of former President Hosni Mubarak's regime, to continue running for president. 

Williams stated: “In this weekend's (16-17 June) presidential elections, Shafiq, despite his connection to the old regime, is seen by many Christians as a preferable option to the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Mohammed Mursi.”

He noted that local leaders have warned that the court ruling does not guarantee that the Islamists won't regain power through a rerun of the election, but it does give voters another chance to elect a government more sympathetic to Christians and other ethnic minorities.

Nahla, a young Christian who runs empowerment programs for Coptic women in rural areas, explained how many Christians are responding to the dichotomy facing them. "How can we stop ministry when the hunger for the Lord is increasing these days like never before? 

He continued: “Our biggest challenge is to continue to love, forgive and pray for the people who hate us, so we can be a real blessing to our community and our country. The Bible says love never fails, and we want to keep reflecting the shining love of Jesus to all our neighbors."

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